La Chaire UNESCO Santé sexuelle & Droits humains participe à de nombreux symposiums nationaux et internationaux afin d’apporter son expertise, ses connaissances et son point de vue.

Symposiums nationaux

  • Promoting sexual health through SDGs and Human Rights

Symposiums internationaux

  • 24th WAS Congress Oct 13 – 16 2019Implementing Human Rights in Sexual Health Training and Practice
  • 22nd WAS Congress July 25 – 28 2015 : Singapore “Transfer sexual and reproductive health and human Rights capacities: new challenges of education and training of trainers for health providers” & “Liberty, Human sexuality and Sexual health”
  • 21st WAS Congress September 2013 : Porto Alegre / Brazil “Sexual Health and Sexology : Learning priority issues and challenges” & “Sexual Health and Public health: priority issues and challenges”
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